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Mousse d'avocat au saumon fumé

Avocado and Smoked Salmon Mousse


  • 2 Large avocados

  • Juice of ½ a lemon

  • 4 slices of smoked salmon 

  • 3 tbs of crème fraiche (Sour Cream or Mexican Cream can be used)

  • 2 twigs of dill (stems removed and chopped)

  • Salt/Pepper                                    

Garnish Options:  4 Cherry tomatoes and/or Caviar or Shrimp


Slice the Avocados in half (long ways) and remove the pit.

Remove the soft inside of the avocado, reserving the shell for later.


In a blender:

Add the avocado

Add the lemon juice

Add 2 slices of smoked salmon

Blend the mixture until well combined


In a mixing bowl:

Add the avocado mixture

Add the crème fraiche (Mexican Cream or Sour Cream)

Add a pinch of Salt & Pepper to taste

Add the dill

Stir together with a spoon until well combined


Refrigerate for 15 – 20 minutes

Serve immediately after chilled


Dish can be served in two ways:


  • For family style service: Spoon the avocado mixture back into the reserved avocado shells (this can be done more creatively with a pastry bag) Garnish the top of the avocado mouse-filled shell with chopped smoked salmon and diced cherry tomatoes. Serve with pita chips or sliced vegetables.


  • For an upscale table service:  In a small serving glass, start with a layer of avocado mouse, then a layer of chopped smoked salmon pieces, then another layer of avocado mouse, etc.  Top with a dollop of crème fraiche.  Garnish with a twig of dill.  *for extra splash:  add a dollop of caviar or cooked shrimp.  Serve with a small spoon.

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