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Saumon en croûte

Salmon in Puff Pastry


  • 1  pound of fresh salmon, skin removed

  • 2/3 pound fresh asparagus, root-side ends trimmed

  • 1/4 cup crème fraiche (can substitute Crema Mexicana or Heavy 

  • 3 to 4 tablespoons chopped fresh dill 

  • Zest of 1 lemon

  • 1 pound frozen puff pastry (2 sheets), defrosted

  • Salt and Pepper

  • Egg Wash:  1 egg, lightly beaten with 1 tablespoon of water


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

Set about 2 cups of salted water to boil in a small sauce pan.

Cut the leafy tips off the asparagus.  Keep the stems for later. 

Boil the leafy asparagus tips until tender, about 3 to 5 minutes. Drain well and pat the tips in paper towel till excess water is removed.


In a blender, add the asparagus tips and crème fraiche.  Season with salt and pepper. Puree the asparagus and crème until smooth.  Stir in the dill and lemon zest until blended.  Set aside.

Lay 1 sheet of puff pastry on a baking sheet.  Lay the salmon on the pastry, like a picture in its frame. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Spread the asparagus puree over top of the salmon. 

Lay the raw stems of asparagus on top of the salmon puree, like pencils.

Lay the second sheet of pastry over the salmon and press the edges to seal, like a giant ravioli.

Trim the edges, leaving a small border (about 1 inch wide). Press down the edges of the pastry with a fork to seal.

Brush the pastry all over with the egg wash.

Make 2 or 3 slits in the top of the pastry to allow steam to escape.


Bake until puffed up and golden brown, about 20 minutes.  Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes before slicing.


And Voilà! 


Want to add a little Texas flair to your French-ified meal?  Try adding cayenne pepper or your favorite spice to the puree or even blend in half of a jalapeno for a Texas-sized kick.  Why not? 


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