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TV debut : Salmon in Puff Pastry

When Alanna asked me to come on her show for a holiday family recipe segment, I didn't think much of it. After all, her mom had been on twice and even her dog made an appearance or two. How hard could it be?

What I didn't know is that the studio would be packed with other families on the show that day too. So, instead of an intimate settings with a few cameras and one or two bystanders, as I had imagined, I was faced with a crowd of about 20 people. When my turn came, the butterflies hit hard. The last time I spoke in public was just out of college so, as soon as the production assistant started to count down 5, 4, 3, 2..... I blanked. If you look closely you can see my eyes get wide in a split-second of sheer panic. For a moment I had no idea why I was there or what I was supposed to be doing.

Somehow, despite a few mishaps here and there, I pulled through. Turns out public speaking is like anything else: practice makes perfect. Oh yeah, try to count how many times I use the word "Perfect" in the segment....too many. Hopefully, next time I'll do better.

Get the Recipe for Salmon in Puff Pastry.

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