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San Antonio Symphony bids the Majestic Farewell

I attended the San Antonio Symphony Beethoven’s Third Piano Concerto at The Majestic theater yesterday. This was my first time inside the theater and, although I had heard praises sung about its historic significance, I was absolutely blown away by its awesome beauty. I'm no stranger to theaters (from New York to Paris, London and Chicago, I've seen a few) so I can confirm without hesitation that this is one of the absolutely most magnificent and unique theaters I've ever been in.

At the box office I was informed that this will be the last season that the San Antonio Symphony will be performing here. I feel lucky to have been present. I also snagged a ticket to their performance on June 6th when they will be signing off with a piece by Mahler.

From then on they will call The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts home which is scheduled to open in September 2014. The $150+ million dollar facility already features an impressive line-up including talent like Bill Cosby and a promising modern Opera bill.

I've heard rumors of a Grand Opening Festival but I don't know details yet. I'll be keeping an eye out for more info.

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