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At Boudro's : eat like a frenchman

With so many tourist-trap restaurants on the River Walk serving up lackluster plates, I was thrilled to discover Boudro's Bistro . This restaurant serves up fresh seafood, cooked to perfection steaks, and offers a menu that trumps the traditional tex-mex options available near its location.

What surprised me most about my experience at Boudros was how much I felt like I'd been transported back to a cafe in France. Relaxing at a small table on the River Walk, I was able to take my time sipping some sparkling water and chatting with my fiance without feeling rushed.

A big part of what makes an eating experience so French has a lot to do with timing. The French do not like to be rushed when it comes to food and I'm no exception. Nothing annoys me more than sitting down at a restaurant only to feel pressured by my waiter to make a decision, order, eat, and get out of there so they can seat another customer. I'll confess that I get seriously irritated with waiters that visit my table 3-5 times to make sure "everything is alright", forcing me to reply with a mouth full of food and interrupting my experience. It's as if they're really saying "are you done yet?".

At Boudros, I can take my time. The wait staff is typically within sight so that, if I do need anything, I can simply make eye contact or raise my hand discreetly to call to their attention. Nine times out of ten though, I don't need anything because Boudro's team delivers it correctly on the first serve.

Another reason why the experience here resembles French eating so much is that the plates are served to impress all of your senses, not just your taste buds. From the table-side guacamole preparation to the beautifully presented plates. This means that it takes a bit longer for the dish to travel from kitchen to table than the typical quick-food-service customer is prepared for.

My advice: don't sweat it. Relax, enjoy the breeze. Watch the ducks on the river and the people walking by. Pay more attention to the person sitting next to you than the social media device in your hand. Talk about current events, exchange philosophical ideas, or simply sit in comfortable silence as you take in your surroundings. And when your food arrives, enjoy every aspect of it. Look at the presentation. Smell the aroma. And eat - slowly! Discern every flavor within each bite. It's worth it. <<La vie est belle>> : Life is beautiful, don't rush it.

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