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French architecture represented in Downtown SA

In front of the San Fernando Cathedral downtown there's a square structure that doubles as a refreshments stop which is always displaying eye catching artwork. Today I was pleased to see a photo of the << Portail Nord du Cathedral de Notre Damme de Chartres >>. The north entrance to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres. Chartres is a small town just 1 hour south west of Paris.

The first Cathedral of Chartres was built sometime in the 5th century. In the 8th century it was destroyed by the Viking invasion, rebuilt, and destroyed again by an invading duke in the 10th century. It wasn't until the early 12th century that stones were laid for the Cathedral that we see still standing today. Construction and expansions continued through the 15th - 18th century and were significantly aided by the frequent visits of several of France's Kings who traveled to Chartres on Pilgrimage.

Inside the church lies a labyrinth etched-out on the floor of the Cathedral in the 13th century. Toady, faithful pilgrims continue to walk the labyrinth in silent meditation.

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